
Retreats 2023

Welcome to Bodhisattva Kadampa Meditation Centre

Happiness is an inside job!

Bodhisattva Kadampa Meditation Centre offers both introductory and in depth meditation courses and retreats.  Everyone is welcome to attend them either in person or online.
Weekend courses offer on site accommodation.

Learn how to bring meditation, love and wisdom into your daily life.

Meditation Retreats & Getaway Breaks (Brighton)

At Bodhisattva Kadampa Meditation Centre we offer a range of weekend and week long residential Buddhist meditation retreats that will give you an opportunity to relax and take a break from your life as well as helping you to find inner peace, contentment and happiness from within.

Our retreats are attended by men and women from all walks of life  (read our testimonials – bottom of this page) and bring many long term benefits into peoples lives. They explore different Buddhist meditation topics such as mindfulness, meditation, loving kindness, compassion, patience, wisdom and how we can practically apply them in daily life to solve our problems.

The environment of Bodhisattva KMC is very relaxing and there is plenty of time between retreat sessions to enjoy our café, to meet and chat with other retreaters and the community of Bodhisattva KMC, and to enjoy walking and gentle strolls along the Brighton and Hove sea front and promenade. The peaceful surroundings of Bodhisattva KMC help people to create a comfortable space within their own minds.

Retreat accommodation options

To gain maximum benefit and to be fully immersed in a meditation retreat people have the option to stay at Bodhisattva KMC. We offer a range of warm, clean, and comfortable residential accommodation (single, double, twin and dormitory rooms) and this can be booked through our online booking system.

Our amenities include onsite parking, world peace cafe, quiet gardens, peaceful meditation rooms and we are situated close to the sea & local parks.