Tuesday Evening Meditation Class | with Steve Cansdale
Classes available on livestream to members
Steve has been a student and teacher at Bodhisattva KMC for over 15 years. He is a wonderful example of a Bodhisattva – a friend of the world. He presents the teachings in a very practical and caring way that makes it easy to understand and put into practice.
Bringing Joy and Energy to Our Life
with Steve Cansdale
Tuesday Evenings 7-8pm
Upcoming class dates:
January | 21st & 28th
February | 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th
A consistent and regular meditation practice has the power profoundly to transform our mind and our life. However, to develop such a practice depends on learning to enjoy deeply our meditation and learning. In this series, we will be exploring Buddha’s teachings on joyful effort, which give us special tools for bringing joy and energy to our meditation and our life.
Each session will include guided meditations, a talk, discussion and an opportunity to ask questions.
Everybody welcome.
£10 per class / Free for all Members
- For a more economical option learn about our memberships here
- **If you are experiencing financial challenges and unable to afford the class, please pop us an email to events@
meditateinbrighton.com to see how we might be able to help.
Bodhisattva Kadampa Meditation Centre
3 Lansdowne Road, Brighton, BN3 1DN
Email: info@meditateinbrighton.com
Phone: 01273 732917