Chanted Prayers
If you enjoy meditating with others, chanted prayers are a great opportunity for you to engage in group meditation.
These chanted prayers are also known in Sanskrit as “puja”, meaning “offering ceremony”, or as “sadhanas”, which means “methods for accomplishing attainments”.
Using ancient prayers translated into English, we receive the blessings, protection, and guidance of the holy beings. We can make requests for ourselves or for others who need help or protection.
These spiritual practices create a strong connection with the Buddhas, and help us purify our negativity and fill our mind with positive, healing energy.
Everyone is welcome to attend these pujas, which are free to attend.
If you come to a tsog puja, feel free to bring an offering of ready-to-eat food and drink (not animal products or alcohol). After the tsog puja there is a party for those who would like to stay on for a while and enjoy each other’s company and the remaining offerings.