The Foundation Programme (FP) provides an opportunity to engage in systematic study and meditation on the essential subjects of Kadampa Buddhism based on six books by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. The emphasis in the classes, which consist of teachings, meditation, and discussion, is on gaining practical experience of Buddha’s teachings that you can apply to your daily life.

FP is a tried and tested way to gain a deeper understanding of the meaning of Buddha’s teachings, maintain a daily meditation practice that is both focused and powerful, and make genuine spiritual progress. If you have been coming to classes regularly and have been getting a lot out of your GP classes but feel you want to go a bit deeper with your study and practice – the systematic study of this essential Buddhist text on FP may be a perfect next step for you.


Tuesday Evenings, 7-9pm

We are currently studying the extraordinary book, How to Understand the Mind.  You are welcome to try out two free taster classes but if you wish to join, you need to commit to attending each class.

This will be available in person and in certain circumstances, live streamed.

As this programme is not a drop-in class, if you wish to join the Programme after trying the free taster class,  there is a commitment to studying a section of the book. To join the programme, you need to become at least a Gold Member of the Centre.  This is £40 a month and also includes access to all General Programme classes and Weekend courses the Centre offers.
To join or for more information email:
The book we are currently studying is

How to Understand The Mind

The book “How to understand the mind” offers us deep insight into our mind, and shows how an understanding of its nature and functions can be used practically in every day experience to improve our lives. Part One is a practical guide to developing and maintaining a light, positive mind – showing how to recognize and abandon states of mind that harm us, and to replace them with peaceful and beneficial ones. Part Two describes different types of mind in detail, revealing the depth and profundity of
the Buddhist understanding of the mind.

It concludes with a detailed explanation of meditation, showing how by controlling and transforming our mind we can attain a lasting state of joy, independent of external conditions.

Problems arise only if we respond to difficult external situations with negative state of mind. Therefore, if we really want to be free from problems we must learn to control our mind by controlling our desire.

This class is taught by our Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Jigme.