Thursday Evening Meditation Class | 7-8:00pm
Classes available on livestream to members
Our Resident Teacher at Bodhisattva Kadampa Meditation Centre is Gen Kelsang Jigme.
Ordained as a monk in 1997 by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Gen Jigme has studied, practised and taught Kadampa Buddhism under Geshe Kelsang’s guidance in major Kadampa Centres throughout the UK for many years. He shows a kind example as a humble practitioner and his clear explanations of Buddha’s teachings give us the confidence to practise them in our daily life.
Modern Buddhism
with Gen Kelsang Jigme
Thursday Evenings 7-8pm
Upcoming class dates:
January | 23rd & 30th
February | 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th
Modern Buddhism is a special presentation of Buddha’s teachings on compassion and wisdom that communicates their essence in a way that is easy to understand and put into practice.
By developing and maintaining compassion and wisdom in daily life, we can transform our lives, improve our relationships with others and look behind appearances to see the way things actually exist. In this way we can solve all our daily problems and accomplish the real meaning of our human life.
Each week, our Resident Teacher and Buddhist monk Gen Kelsang Jigme will teach from this inspiring handbook of daily practice that is perfectly suited for those seeking solutions to the problems of everyday life, as well as for encouraging practitioners of all faiths to deepen their understanding and practice of the spiritual path.
Everyone is welcome.
£10 per class / Free for all Members
- For a more economical option learn about our memberships here
- **If you are experiencing financial challenges and unable to afford the class, please pop us an email to events@ to see how we might be able to help.
Bodhisattva Kadampa Meditation Centre
3 Lansdowne Road, Brighton, BN3 1DN
Phone: 01273 732917
Get your FREE ebook of Modern Buddhism (or purchase your paper copy from our shop) to follow along with the classes and deepen your experience.
The author, our Spiritual Guide and Founder, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, requested that this extraordinary book be made available free of charge as an ebook to everyone who wished to read it as his gift to the people of the modern world.
Download your copy here.