Resident Teacher – Gen Kelsang Jigme

Gen Kelsang Jigme is the Resident Teacher at Bodhisattva Kadampa Meditation Centre. Ordained as a Buddhist monk in 1997 by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, Gen Jigme has studied, practised, and taught Kadampa Buddhism under Geshe Kelsang’s guidance in major Kadampa Centres throughout the UK for many years. Gen Jigme shows a humble, kind example as a practitioner and his clear explanations of Buddha’s teachings give us the confidence to practise them in daily life.

Teachers in & around Brighton

All the teachers below are qualfied teachers of Kadampa Buddhism and teach various meditation classes and courses at Bodhisattva KMC as well as our branches. Our teachers are well known for their kind hearted and down to earth approach, presenting Buddhist teachings in a way that is very accessible to any level of audience.