
    Our Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Thekchen, is a senior meditation teacher in the New Kadampa Tradition.

    Gen Thekchen has been practising and teaching Buddhist meditation for over 25 years under the guidance of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. He is well known for his ability to present Buddha’s teachings in a simple, practical and often humorous way, making them easy to put into practice in everyday life.

    Class Format

    Guided breathing meditation

    Practical teaching

    Second guided meditation based on the teaching

    Suggested Course Materials

    We will be mainly relying on the book “Living Meaningfully, Dying Joyfully” by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.

    Inspiring guidelines for helping us to live a happy and meaningful life, come to terms with our own death in a positive way and help others who are dying.

    You can purchase the book here


      Karma – the power to change your life

      Our capacity for transformation is extraordinary.

      ‘The law of karma is a special instance of the law of cause and effect, according to which all our actions of body, speech and mind are causes and all our experiences are their effects.’ ~ Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, How to Transform Your life

      Understanding karma gives us the power to change our lives. By understanding that our happiness comes from our positive thoughts and actions, and our unhappiness from our hurtful thoughts and actions, we are given the tools to redirect our lives.

      Instead of blaming external circumstances for our unhappiness, we will be inspired to respond with wisdom and creativity – to use the law of karma to our own and others advantage by realizing we have the power to create the experiences that we long for both now and in the future.

      With our thoughts and actions we can truly change our world. What a wonderful and vital message Buddha gives us during these otherwise disempowering times. 

      Everyone welcome! 

      April 15, 22, 29

      April 15 ~ What is karma

      April 22 ~ Holding back from negativity

      April 29 ~ Healing the past

      • DAY & TIME

        Thursdays | 7:00pm – 8.30pm
        Join anytime

        Current Course ‘Life & Death ~ a Buddhist Perspective’

        April 1 ~ Powa – Transference of consciousness

        Next Course – Karma – The Power to Change Your Life

        April 15 ~ What is karma

        April 22 ~ Holding back from negativity

        April 29 ~ Healing the past

        More info & booking at the bottom of this page.

        These classes will be live-streamed.  You will need to book for the class using the link below.

      • Life & Death, a Buddhist Perspective

        We are alive therefore we will die.

        An inspiring set of 8 classes, giving an unparalleled Buddhist insight into death and dying, helping us to develop an awareness of our own mortality in a way that will totally enrich and transform our life.

        In these series of ONLINE classes on a Thursday evening we look at our precious human life and how to make it meaningful by practicing Dharma, Buddha’s teachings, especially the 5 forces.

        “There is nothing more precious than our human life. Having been born as a human being we have immense freedom to accomplish almost anything we want. With so much freedom, we need to ask ourself what is the most meaningful way to use our life. What will make us truly happy? What will benefit others most? And when this life is over, what will help us then?”
        Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, ‘Living Meaningfully, Dying Joyfully’

        Whilst continuing to stream, we are working to re-open the centre to allow in-person attendance to some classes in the safest way possible.  This will take us time and our startup will be a rolling start.  We will send out messages with any updates as we have them.  Please be sure you are on our emailing list to receive the updates.


        Suitable for all levels

      • CLASS FEE

        £7 per class | Free for all members

        To save money find out more about our membership options here

        ** if you are struggling financially and cannot afford to pay for a class, please contact us at events@meditateinbrighton.com

        Everyone needs to register including members.

        Our classes are intended for people in our local area (Sussex), if you live elsewhere you can find your local centre who will be offering livestream classes here https://kadampa.org/map


      • Booking

        When you sign up, you will receive an email with the link to the live class. After the class is finished you can use the same link to access the recording of the class which will remain valid for 7 days. If you don’t receive an email, please check in your junk box as it may have landed there!
        If you need help with anything please email events@meditateinbrighton.com

        Easy event access: As of December the way to access our courses will be slightly different and much more simple.
        You will have 2 ways to access.
        • You can access via the confirmation email you received with your booking.  Easy links will be listed in the additional information section.
        • You will receive a reminder one hour before the event and this reminder will include easy links to the event

        Individual classes £7 per class | Free for Members

        Life & Death ~ A Buddhist Perspective

        All three April classes (Members & Bronze Subscribers only
        Thursday 01 April – The Force of Prayer – Powa – Transference of Consciousness
        Thursday 15th April – What is karma
        Thursday 22nd April – Holding back from negativity
        Thursday 29th April – Healing the past