OVERCOMING ANXIETY | Half-Day Course | January 25th

Overcoming Anxiety

Anxiety, stress and worry are increasingly a big problem for us nowadays in our fast-paced, modern lives. We tend to think that the situations and people we encounter are the cause of all this stress and unhappiness, and so we spend a lot of our time and mental energy trying to figure out how to fix them – which often just makes our mind busier and more anxious!

Buddha taught that all unhappiness, stress and anxiety comes from our mind – from our unrealistic expectations and unhelpful ways of thinking about ourself, the people around us and our world in general.

By learning how to identify the real causes of stress and unhappy thoughts, we can begin to understand how to free ourselves from them. On this course we will explore special ways of thinking and meditating to heal our mind, calm our anxiety and find some inner strength and peace.

Everybody is welcome.


09:15 – 09:45 World Peace Café open for course guests
10:00 – 11:15 Session 1 – Teaching & Meditation
11:15 – 12:00 Break – Hot drinks and cakes available for purchase
12:00 – 13:15 Session 2  – Teaching & Meditation
13:15 Optional lunch in World Peace Café (must be pre-booked for day guests. Included for residential guests)


Steve has been a student and teacher at Bodhisattva KMC for over 15 years.  He is a wonderful example of a Bodhisattva – a friend of the world.  He presents the teachings in a very practical and caring way that makes it easy to understand and put into practice.


£15 Early Bird/ £20 General Admission

No extra cost for Gold, Silver and Platinum members 

Registration required (including members)
  • For a more economical option learn about our memberships here
  • **If you are experiencing financial challenges and unable to afford the class, please pop us an email to events@meditateinbrighton.com to see how we might be able to help.



Bodhisattva Kadampa Meditation Centre

3 Lansdowne Road, Brighton, BN3 1DN

Email: info@meditateinbrighton.com

Phone: 01273 732917