
Kate Bacon

Kate Bacon has been a student of Bodhisattva KMC for many years and presents these teachings in a practical and accessible way.

Course info

Dealing with stress

Imagine living without stress and tension – a life free from worry, anxiety, and the many daily problems these negative states of mind create. On this course we will look at how meditation can eliminate stress and help you to be more relaxed, peaceful and positive in daily life. Train in powerful stress-busting techniques derived from ancient Buddhist wisdom, face life’s adversities with a happy heart, learn how to deal with ‘difficult people’ without getting angry, and transform hardships into opportunities for spiritual growth.


10 am – 11.15 am : Teaching and Meditation

12 – 1.15 pm : Teaching and Meditation


    Saturday Nov  20 |10am-1.15pm

    This course will be offered both in person and online.


    Suitable for all levels


    £20 (£15 for early birds)

    Free for Silver, Gold and Platinum Members

    ** if you are struggling financially and cannot afford to pay for a class, please contact us at events@meditateinbrighton.com

    Booking opening soon.


    Booking opens soon.